Monday, September 15, 2014

Things are not as they seem.

I think JD said it right. I think I'm past the point of complaining about how much less-cool college is than high school was. I've moved on from a lot of habits, experiences, and people, and it was well over-due. This semester I was forced to pick an educational path and follow it, and I couldn't be more happy with my choice. I went into this semester thinking that it was going to be the easiest piece of cake that I would ever put on my plate, but boy-oh-boy was I wrong. I had no clue how difficult art actually is. I had this huge mental breakdown the first week of school over a painting of a watch. Tears were involved. I'm actually really glad that it's hard though. I love a good challenge, and I can't stand to be bored, so it's for the better.

Also, can I tell you this weird thing that's happening to me? It is mentally impossible for me to currently procrastinate projects. Say what? I know, it's kind of awesome. I literally got so excited about an art assignment last week, that I had it finished before the day that we were even supposed to start it. Now, it wasn't a photography project, because naturally I get those done asap because I get so flipping stoked about them, but I was genuinely excited to draw this picture, or whatever it was. In retrospect, I'm stoked about the fact that I'm so stoked about art. I think it kind of solidifies that I'm doing the right thing, don't you think?

I think there might have been some people disappointed in me for changing my mind on what I thought I wanted to do with my life, and I was really worried about that for a good few months. Like, I was so pathetic. I wouldn't let my parents talk about me changing my major, because I was afraid of what people might think. But you know what I've realized? If I had stayed down the path that I was originally headed, I would be disappointed in myself for not doing what I've kind of always knew I should be doing. I've realized that no one's opinion matters to me about this choice more than my own, and that's exactly how it should be.

I guess the point of this all is to say to someone, or maybe more importantly to myself that everything is finally falling into place as it should be. I think I've finally found the part of college that everyone talks about. The part where you figure out who you are, and what you're meant to do, and you end up loving it. I've found the part of college that puts high school to shame! I'm finally giving myself the opportunity to be serious about something that I am so passionate about; and I'm super proud of myself, because after all of the hard work that I've done to put myself through school, and keep my scholarships, I deserve to do something that I love.

I can't wait to see what lies ahead. 


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